Farndon Fields Primary School are delighted to have been award “Best Dressed Float” in the annual Market Harborough Carnival parade on Saturday 8th June! The theme for the carnival this year was Health and Wellbeing, and the inspiration for our float design came from the work of the school’s pupil Wellbeing Ambassadors and our ELSA, Mrs Burningham, on the 5 Ways to Wellbeing across the academic year.  

Children, staff and parents all worked together #Connect to make the decorations for the float and a team of staff and parents spent Friday evening putting it all together. The children met the float on Saturday morning, dressed to represent the different ways they engage with the 5 ways to wellbeing in the outdoors:  #Connect #Be Active #TakeNotice # KeepLearning # Give. We had litter pickers, badminton players, hikers, birdwatchers, cricketers, runners and more.   

The money raised during the parade and the prize money will be added to fundraising already done and a contribution from the PTA to help fund the Wellbeing Ambassadors initiatives, including installing buddy benches in the playground. 

A huge thank you to everyone involved! 

Simone Harrison 
